Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Short Film Reflection - The Stalker

  For my latest video project, we made short films. Everyone wrote a script, then we split into groups and chose one script to make into our film. My group initially chose what I saw as a teenage spoof of The A-Team. We went through the usual pre-production process, making storyboards and finding actors. Once we had everything set up, we went to film. Unfortunately, there was no day when all of our actors were free at the same time. We tried for a week to resolve this, but we were nearing our deadline and had nothing to show for it. With three days left to turn in our video, we switched to my script. It was about a kid who went for a walk in the woods, with someone following him. With any other script, this was hopeless. But my script required only three people, so even though most of my group couldn't make it, we still had hope. Only two of my group, me included, were able to show up. We got one friend to be an actor, but no one else was available. So for your viewing pleasure, I had to be in the film. Yippee. 

  Luckily, we got everything filmed in less than two hours. Once we had gotten the film, it was up to the editor to bring it together. He did so just in time, turning it in at the last possible minute. So considering we made a film in about 3 hours of panic work, I'm surprised it turned out to be as good as it was. One member of our group complained that his name wasn't in the final credits, but that's kind of because he did nothing. He made the storyboards and then sat there while we tried to make a film. I don't know if it's because he didn't know what to do or if he just didn't want to help, but he ended up being a little bit of a road block.