Monday, December 5, 2016

Feature Story 2

  In my video production class, we had to make two feature stories. This one was about my friend TJ Dahl. The story was about his volunteer work at our church. He talked about the numerous tasks that he does around the church, and there are scenes of him working. 
  The narrative lead is an important part of any feature story, and I actually recorded mine after I made the video. This helped me to know how I wanted to begin the story, and what I needed to say to make that happen. 
  First, I interviewed TJ himself to talk to him about everything that he did on Sunday mornings. He gave details about what he did, who he worked with, when he started, and when he went. After that, I interviewed TJ's mother Danna. She talked about how she also volunteered at the church, but rather than doing odd jobs, she works with the high school students. 
  Shooting the video was pretty simple. Occasionally, the lighting wouldn't work well, or the focus on the camera was off, but other than that it was easy. Setting up the camera, adjusting the zoom, and clicking a button. It's pretty easy. Editing was just putting the clips into a sequence that I liked.
  The feedback from my classmates was mostly suggestions, and I listened carefully. I ended up changing the entire sequence of my video based on one little suggestion. It just goes to show you, every little detail counts. 

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