Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Professional Project Review - Frozen

  Honestly, I hated the movie. Yeah, I'm a pessimist. Deal with it. But I'm not here to review the plot or the overwhelmingly numerous musical numbers, I'm talking about the animation segment of it.
  Overall, it was well animated, as most Disney/Pixar movies are. Anywhere from the giant snowman down to the reindeer, the attention to detail was spectacular. However, there were a few mistakes. When Elsa is singing "Let it Go", she pulls her hair out of its bun and throws it around, unwittingly passing it straight through her shoulder. Another mistake was during the song "Love is an Open Door". In the scene where the singers' shadows are dancing across the wall, both shadows are floating, indicating that the characters would have had to be floating too. These are just a few mistakes, and let's be honest, no kids movie is going to be perfect. They don't have to make it perfect because no normal kid looks for these kinds of things. Overall, it was still well done, but a little more double checking couldn't have hurt.

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